Imagine: A Poem

            Photo by Sean Oulashin on Unsplash

Two weeks ago I did something that I have never done before. I tried to write poetry. I have never really been good at it and this could be a complete failure but here it is:  

Press play and listen to this background as you read the poem. 


Imagine yourself on a beautiflul beach, the warm sand in between your toes,

The breeze blowing through your hair.

Imagine you don't have a care in the world, life is only the beach and you.

Seagulls flying overhead, the smell of salt fills the air.

Imagine a book in your hand, waves crash continuously, 

The peaceful noise goes on as you turn the pages. 

Imagine the warm sun shines down as you sit on the beach, 

Quietly sitting with no one around, peacefully reading as time passes by. 

Imagine the peace that you feel could last forever, sitting and reading, 

The day flying by, time has no place, the sun stays awake, it keeps shining down.

Imagine the sand all around as you sit on the ground, 

Trials and hardships melt right away. 

The sun beating down but not harsh and drying. 

Imagine one good long read, a cunning plot, masterful characters,

A thrilling ending waiting to unfold.

The pages turn, the story unveiled, thinking and waiting the end drawing near.

Dreams don't last forever, things come to an end, 

Sadly this fantasy only exists in a young dreamer's head.

Imagination is a beuatiful thing, the best part is-all you have to do is IMAGINE.

Well, what's done is done. Please comment with your thoughts. 


  1. Pretty good for your first poem ever! 🫰

  2. I loved this poem, Macky! Great job!

  3. I really liked this! <3 You were sparking my imagination! I would love to hear more poems ;)

  4. This was beautiful! GREAT job!😍


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