Aragorn-Wanderer, Ranger, King

Background on Aragorn:

Aragorn's father died when he was two, because of that his mom took him to Rivendell when he was raised by Elrond. When he was twenty, he met Arwen for the first time and then went off into the Wild. When he was twenty-five, he met Gandalf, and their friendship began. He then spent the next three years wandering and serving King Thengel of Rohan and Ecthelion II of Gondor, during this time he used the name Thorongil. Then in 3009 he, along with Gandalf went to search for Gollum, they did this for eight years when Aragorn finally found him in the Dead Marshes and sent him to King Thranduil in Mirkwoord.

Age at the Council of Elrond:

Aragorn was born on March 1, 2931, making him eighty-seven years old at the time of the Council of Elrond. 

Aragorn's Role and Importance in the Fellowship: 

Aragorn had originally become part of the Fellowship because he wanted to help destroy the Ring and because Gandalf was his friend, and he knew that it couldn't be done alone. 

Fate after Frodo Destroyed the Ring at Mt. Doom: 

After the Ring was destroyed and the Hobbits went home, Aragorn stayed in Gondor where he was king. He gave land to the Hobbits to expand the Shire and continued his friendship with Sam, Merry, and Pippin. For over 150 years Aragorn lived with his wife (Arwen), his son (Eldarian), and his daughters (they are nameless, but there must be more than one of them). When he was two hundred something he died, and his spirit went to the place where his dead ancestors' souls were. 

Notable Moments: 

1. The Battle with the Nazgul 
While with the four Hobbits on Weathertop on their way to Rivendell the group was confronted by a group of Ringwraiths. Frodo being the Ringbearer was their target and was stabbed on his left shoulder by one of their knives. After being struck Frodo saw Aragorn (he was then called Strider) with a piece of flaming wood in each hand (one of the Ringwraiths weaknesses was fire) fighting the Ringwraiths so that they were forced to leave. 
2. Summoning of the Dead
Because he was Isildor's Heir he was the only person who could summon the dead to keep their oath. Therefore, he had to travel before the Battle of the Ring through the Path of the Dead to awaken them to help fight the battle. With him he took Legolas, Gimli, Merry, and the Grey Company.

Otherwise Known As: 

Aragorn goes by many names in the books and movies including Thorongil, Strider, Longshanks, Elfstone (why??? 😆), The Dúnadan, Estel, Aragorn, Isildur's Heir, King Elessar, and many more that I have forgot about. 

Relatives and Family: 

Aragorn's parents' names where Arathorn II and Gilraen, both his parents died young. He is related to Elrond and Arwen through Elrond's brother Elros. Galadriel and Celeborn became his in-laws when he married Arwen.  

Fun Facts:

1. He brought Gollum to the Elves to be imprisoned 
2. Elrond is Kind of Like his Adoptive/Foster Dad 
3. He actually didn't kill Sauron's messenger (In The Return of the King extended edition he killed him)
4. His real name is Aragorn II
5. He always uses his sword Andúril

2 GIFs to Describe Aragorn:

(it was kind of hard)


Overall Aragorn is a brave and loyal character. He was brave enough to fight in numerous wars and to become a member of the Fellowship and he also was very loyal to his friends and people that he met throughout the journey. 

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  1. I LOVE ARAGORN! He's my favorite lotr character!


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