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Frodo Baggins-Hero of Middle Earth

*If you have never read or watched The Lord of the Rings, this post could contain some spoilers for you. 😁

Background on Frodo:

Frodo is a normal and average Hobbit who loved adventure when he was younger. After his parents' death he went to go live with his cousin Bilbo Baggins at Bag End. Frodo was like every other Hobbit; he enjoyed the thrill of adventure as a child but as he grew older it wore off, until Gandalf came around again... 

Age at the Council of Elrond:

Frodo is 50, unlike the movies which portrays that he is around 20 and his going on his quest right after Bilbo's birthday. In the books he had shared the birthday party with his cousin Bilbo (their birthday is September 22nd) and then had the Ring in his possession for fifteen plus years before leaving for Bree. 

Frodo's Role and Importance in the Fellowship:

Frodo is the Ringbearer of the Fellowship. It is his task and his alone to destroy the One Ring at Mount Doom. Every other member of the Fellowship was only there to help aid him on his journey. Frodo is the most important member of the Fellowship because he has by far the hardest task: to destroy the Ring in the fires of Mount Doom. 

Fate after destroying the Ring at Mount Doom: 

After having his finger bitten off by Gollum, which resulted in destroying the Ring, Frodo returned to Gondor along with the rest of the Fellowship for the coronation of Aragorn. After the ceremony the Hobbits stayed with Aragorn and Arwen before returning to The Shire. Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin return to The Shire and Bilbo goes to the Undying Lands with the Elves. Frodo then stays in The Shire for a while to finish his book: The Lord of the Rings. After giving the Red Book to Sam, he to leaves for the Undying Lands (the Elves allowed him to go because he was a Ringbearer), being stabbed by a Morgul blade and being poisoned by a giant spider was too much for him.

Notable Moments:

1. Frodo and the Steps of Cirith Ungol 
Frodo had trusted Gollum enough to take his suggested path. They had crept up the steep stairs only to be confronted with a huge problem. Shelob was a giant spider, and descendent of Ungoliant. Gollum had crafted a plan to have Frodo eaten by the spider and from his remains he would find and take the Ring for himself. Fortunately for Frodo, Sam attacked the spider. Only to have a few Orcs interrupt them, giving him only enough time to take the Ring. 

2. Frodo on top of Mount Doom
Frodo has originally intended to destroy the Ring himself, but after becoming increasingly attached to the Ring itself he couldn't do it. Fortunately for him Gollum planned to take the Ring back, the only downside though is that it cost him a finger...

Otherwise Known As:

Throughout the books Frodo is known by other names the most recognized one is probably Mr. Underhill, a tribute to Bilbo in his conversation with Smaug. "I come from under the hill, and under the hills and over the hills my paths led." The only thing is that The Hobbit was written after The Lord of the Rings, so is Bilbo's conversation with Smaug a tribute to Frodo? Or is it the other way around? 🤔

In addition to Mr. Underhill, Frodo is also called Frodo of the Nine Fingers after returning to The Shire after his quest to Mordor. Gollum had bit his finger off, therefore he only had nine fingers left. 

Relatives and Family:

Frodo Baggins is the son of Drogo Baggins and Primula Brandybuck Baggins who sadly drowned years before the story takes place. After his parents' death his second cousin Bilbo Baggins took him in and made him his heir. He is also a distant cousin of Merry and Pippin. 

Fun Facts:

  1. Bilbo taught Frodo Elvish; he uses this knowledge throughout the books for various reasons.  
  2. Frodo is an only child, his parents died before they could have any more kids. 
  3. It only took him 11 months to destroy the Ring. 

3 GIFs to Describe Frodo:


Many of you probably are or know people who don't like Frodo, because of how the movies portray him; a weak helpless Hobbit who has to rely on Sam Gamgee to finish the quest. But, in the books he is much more self-reliant and not so helpless. Think about it, how would you act if you were tasked with a mission that literally was the fate of the entire world?
