My Reading List Over the Past Few Months


Hello everyone! I think I may have come up with a way to post more consistently, so hopefully I will be writing more often!

This year the list of books I've read is considerably shorter than last year. As of right now I think I'm only up to twenty-three books.

Here is a list of the past eleven books that I have read and the ones that I am still trying to read. Some are for school, and some were just things I wanted to read in my free time. 

So here they are in order from oldest read to the newest. 

Percy Jackson & the Olympians: Chalice of the Gods by Rick Riordan 

Over the spring and summer, I read the five Percy Jackson books. This one is the sixth and latest installment and it is about a seventeen-year-old Percy who is trying to get into a special college. In order to do that he needs three papers signed by three different Greek gods as a reference. This book covers him trying to obtain the first referment letter. 

It was a bit weird reading this knowing that Percy is seventeen because I got used to him being twelve and fourteen. The plot didn't seem as good as the other books and there were pop culture references, but they seemed as if they were thrown in.

I would give this book three stars. 

Eragon by Christopher Paolini 

This is the first book of The Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini. This is the first time I have read any of the books in the series and it was very interesting. 

Eragon is a boy living in a town where absolutely nothing happens. One day while hunting he finds a blue stone which turned out to be a dragon egg. He names the dragon who hatches Saphira, and they go on a journey to save the world from the evil king Galbatorix. 

Most of the book is about Eragon and Saphira trying to escape capture, it also happens to be a very hard goal to accomplish.

I would give this book 3 and a half stars.

The Giver by Lois Lowry 

This is the second time I have read this book. I think I was in sixth grade when I first read it.

The Giver is an interesting book, I think its dystopian. 

Basically, Jonas lives in the world where everything is controlled. Each person is assigned a spouse, kids, and job when they are old enough. Jonas is twelve years old and has just been assigned the job of the Giver. It's a mystery job that no one really knows about. 

Also, in this world he lives in they don't see color or have any emotions. Everyone also rides bikes. 

Literally NOTHING makes sense in the book until the LAST chapter. 

I give this book 2 and a half stars.

Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry 

Gathering Blue is a sequel The Giver

I believe it takes place around the same time the first book, but nothing is mentioned about Jonas or anyone else previously mentioned. 

Kira is a crippled orphan who no one wants (I know that sounds really bad) until she is asked to fix and finish the singer/storyteller's robe. 

I don't really know what else to say about this book. That's all its about. 

I will give this book 3 stars.

Beowulf by Unknown 

I had to read Beowulf for school this year, but it wasn't as bad as I expected it to be. 

Beowulf is a warrior who sails to help the Danish people defeat a monster named Grendel. (Somehow Grendel is related to Cain??? I kind of thought of him like Big Foot. His description is interesting) 

Anyway, Beowulf defeated Grendel and became a famous warrior, loved by everyone. Later on, he also defeated Grendel's mother who had come for revenge. He ruled as a king and was given many riches and land. Beowulf was an old man by the time a dragon came around. Unfortunately, Beowulf didn't have all of his old strength, and he is slain in battle. 

I'll give this book 3 and a half stars. 

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight by Unknown 

Yet another book I had to read for school. 

Sir Gawain is a knight of Camelot and the nephew of King Arthur. When a mysterious knight who is literally all green challenges the king Gawain steps up and takes his place. The challenge is to strike the Green Knight who was unarmed so long as the blow is repaid in a year. 

Gawain sets off on his journey to meet to Green Knight again. On the way he stays at a castle where he stays for three days. Every day while he's sleeping, he must decline and refuse the Lord of the castle's wife, as she tries to trick him. He does that and then leaves the castle for the Green Chapel. Gawain readies himself and the blow is swung. Gawain fearing for his life, side steps, and the Green Knight rebukes him. He returns to Camelot and tells every one of his errors. 

I'll give this book 2 and a half stars 

Eldest by Christopher Paolini 

This is the second book in The Inheritance Cycle

This book is larger than the first and took longer to read. 

Eragon is yet again with his dragon Saphira and this time he is trying to train to be a Rider. Meanwhile the rest of the country is in turmoil and a war is brewing. Eragon discovers two big surprises that will change him forever. 

I'll give this book 3 and a half stars.

Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan

I didn't get to finish this book, but it was pretty good. The language was a bit hard to understand at times but overall, I could fairly understand what was going on.  

Pilgrim's Progress is an allegory about the journey of a Christian. Christian, the main character leaves his home in the City of Destruction and is making his way towards the Celestial City. Along the way he meets people who will help him and people who try to stop him. 

3 stars for this book.  

Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe 

Another SCHOOL BOOK! aahhhhhh 

*insert crying

This book is about a man named Robinson Crusoe who was trapped on an island ALONE for around thirty years. Against his parent's will he set out for the sea (which is never a good idea in literature) when a storm hit. Somehow the whole crew died except for him. He learned how to live and survive off of what he had taken from the ship and what was on the island. 

2 and a half stars for this book.

Emma by Jane Austen

I haven't read much of this book, but it is going alright. 

Emma lives with her father and is richer than most people. She loves matching making but sees many people as inferior to her which makes things interesting. 

As I said before I haven't finished this book so I'm not sure what happens next.

So, this book will receive 2 and a half stars. (Because I was having a hard time reading it)

Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen 


This is probably my favorite book on this list I haven't read it before, and I haven't finished it yet either. But I have watched both the BBC show and the 2005 movie. 

School had called me to read this book, but I don't mind because it's a GREAT book. 

Elizabeth Bennet meets the mysterious Mr. Darcy and is completely appalled by him. He is quiet and rude; she is outspoken and prideful. What will happen???

This book is great! It's funny, the plot is actually good, if you haven't read this book before, go get it right now! 

5 stars for this book!

In Conclusion

I think I've had a good variety of books these past few months. Mythology, dystopian, realistic fiction, romance, allegorical, fantasy, it's actually more of a variety than I thought. 

What books have you read recently? Which one is your favorite? Comment below with your answers and don't forget to share this blog with your friends!

Photo Credit goes to Ksenia Makagonova on


  1. I am currently reading Pride and Prejudice and I LOVE IT!!!

  2. I love Pride and Prejudice!! I'll be curious to hear what you think of Emma when you finish it!

  3. PRIDE & PREJUDICE!!!! Lezzgooo!! I literally love it so much <3


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