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Literary Wrap Up

Photo by Joshua Hoehne on      Happy New Years! I really am so sorry for being SO late in posting this. I've been sick on and off since Christmas. And then school started back so I've been so caught up in that. So yeah, I'm about a month late. Sorry, I fully intended to post this sooner.  I honestly can't believe that it's already the middle (or end) of January 2025! The beginning of 2024 seems like it was just yesterday. This post is a wrap of my holiday reading and yearly list (which I so badly failed at).  Overall Literary Theme of the Holidays This one kept showing up throughout the November and December months.  A Christmas Carol! I did not read the book this year, but I did go see it as a play at a local theater downtown! It was a really fun experience! At some of the parts the room went dark, and fog filled the stage. The music maximized the emotions! It was so fun, and I would totally go again!  In addition to watching, it as a pla...

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